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SO 00C 37 



E nviionmental Education. Education that Cannot. Wait. 
cffic rj of Education (DREW), Washington, c.c. 

7 C 
5 0 r . 

ED 65 F R I C 


EDPS Price ME-2'0.25 PC-22. 60 

■(■conservation Education, Ecology, ^Educational 
Needs, Environment, ^Environmental Education, 
Ethics, Natural Resources, Polluticn, ^Social 
responsibility, ^Values 
^Environ mental Educaticr. Act 


This pamphlet surveys the whole field of 
environmental education. It has been written to describe and clarify 
environmental education, in preparation for the reforms called for by 
the Environmental Education Act of 1F7C. The environmental crisis is 
related to the evolution cf civilization, technology, and 
consumerism: definitions, aims, values and principles are given. 
Student involvement and a realistic assessment cf the difficulties in 
bringing about change ar.d the assuming of personal responsibility are 
called for. Part II delimits a large role for education in 
environmental improvement and calls fer programs both formal (in 
school) and infernal (out of school). These programs should operate 
at all levels and use the full range of media. Local, state, and 
federal roles are described with a call for multiple funding at 
several levels and federal coordination. The ideal is nothing less 
than individual environmental awareness, understanding, and 
responsibility cn the part cf every citizen. ( N H ) 


■5 if OO o 4 74, m EDO 45492 



£ £ 

et/mtomeur/u education 




Washington, D.C. 20202 

THE COVER--Title derived from the First 
Annual Report of the Council 
on Environmental Quality, 
August 1970. 


"The basic causes of our environmental troubles 
are complex and deeply imbedded. . 

"It should be obvious that we cannot correct such 
deep-rooted causes overnight. . ." 

"We must seek nothing less than a basic reform in 
the way society looks at problems and makes 
decisions. . ." 

"Our educational system has a key role to play in 
bringing about this reform. . ." 

"It is also vital that our entire society develop 
a new understanding and a new awareness of man ! s 
relation to his environment — what might be called 
'environmental literacy.' This will require the 
development and teaching of environmental concepts 
at every point in the educational process." 

-- Richard Nixon 

President of the United States 

* From the President's introduction to the First 
Annual Report of the Council on Environmental 
Quality, August 1970. 


Part 1 

Foundations for Environmental Education 


Man and His Environment 5 

Overwhelming Technology 7 

American Consumerism 7 

Environmental Education Defined 9 

Aim of EE - 10 

EE Values and Principles 11 

Preserving Free Choice 13 

Student Involvement. 14 

Social Realities 16 

No "Easy" Solutions 17 

Change Agents , * . 18 

Consensus in Leadership 20 

- iii - 

Contents (Continued) 

Part II 

Approaches To Environmental Education 


The Environmental Education Continuum 29 

Role of Education in Environmental 

Improvement 29 

Educational Expectations 30 

Programs of Environmental Education .... 31 

Environmental Encounters 37 

Environmental Curricula 39 

Administrative Response to EE 41 

Role of State and Federal Agencies 43 

The State Commitment to EE 44 

School Systems 44 

Environmental Actions 45 

Multiple Funding 45 

National Coordination 46 

Part III 

Looking To The Future 

A National Commitment to Environmental 

Education 49 

Citizens of the Future 51 


- iv - 


President Richard Nixon, on October 30, 1970 signed 
the Environmental Education Act* which passed both 
houses of the Congress with large majorities*. This 
Act gives authority to the Office of Education, 

Department of Healthy Education, and Welfare, to 
initiate, support, and coordinate a variety of efforts 
in environmental education. 

The Act reflects a growing awareness of the relation- 
ships of man to his environment. Beginning slowly 
with the insights of 19th Century naturalists --and 
developing rapidly in late years through the vigorous 
and widespread efforts of educators and conservationists- 
the public is demonstrating a concern for the 

The new national commitment to environmental education, 
however, is more than recognizing an existing problem. 

It offers a means both to restore the environment and 
to live meaningful and ecologically sound lives. 

Students, especially now, are finding in environmental 
and ecological principles and values the keys to more 
satisfying life goals and life styles. 

Environmental education itself has received relatively 
little attention in the press. For most people, it is 
still a hazy concept. The Congress and the President 
have described environmental education as "reform" in 
American education--a way of achieving quality in 
living, and of preserving the quality of our environ- 
ment, It is to describe and clarify this concept that 
the booklet "Education That Cannot Wait" is published. 

* The legislation passed the House 289 to 28, and 
the Senate 64 to 0. 

Part I 

Foundations For Environmental Education 


For eons, man was wholly influenced by nature. His 
numbers remained small, because food supply was limited 
and life was constantly threatened. Yet, man's search- 
ing, hunting, and escaping from dangers conditioned 
his responses to the environment, and led to his 
increasing reliance on thought rather than physical 
powers. Then he acquired tools and controlled fire 
and began to change the world about him. While his 
numbers were still few, his environment was extensive 
enough and sufficiently flexible to restore itself 
after his passage. To the extent that man was alert 
to the requirements of his surroundings, he survived. 
When he was careless, or passed up food supplies or 
ignored the signs of danger, he died. It was a long 
period, this Stone Age, and nature through processes 
of selection and survival helped shape the responses 
and culture of all human kind. 

When man discovered agriculture and gained a relative 
abundance of food, he established villages and then 
cities. With the beginnings of civilization and the 
surplus of food and relative security, man grew in 
numbers and influence. The environment felt his 
weight. For the first time man began to alter his 
environment on a scale that nature could not quickly 
restore. This, in turn, had effects upon man which 
continue to this day. 

Man, formed in ages of intimate contact with nature, 
reacted to crowding and stress with the instinctive 
aggressiveness of self-preservation. While a thin 
veneer of culture and newly-devised values held man- 
kind together in what is called civilization, people 
continued to exploit their environment land each other 
to survive. 



Nineveh and Babylon rose to dizzy heights and then fell 
into ruins because their inhabitants could not foresee 
environmental dangers and act in time to forestall them. 
Their life-support systems suffered. This included 
dislocations in their society, but principally they 
lost their forests from excessive cutting, and ruined 
their once productive agricultural lands through 
siltation of irrigation systems and accumulation of 
salt in fields. 

The great centers of Toltec and Mayan civilizations 
withered for these or other ecological reasons. The 
story was repeated in Africa and Asia, where civili- 
zations became unable to function for a variety of 
reasons or grew beyond the ability of their environment 
to support them. Civilizations have rarely struck a 
balance with their environments for more than a brief 
period of time. 

The lessons of environmental awareness are learned 
slowly. In America, our teachers have included Henry 
David Thoreau, John Muir, Theodore Roosevelt, and Aldo 
Leopold. Their message is that the environment is 
fragile, our resources are finite. Through our great 
numbers and insatiable demands, and with the enormous 
power of science and technology, we disrupt the 
essential balances and inter-relations on which all 
life depends. Black smoke, yellow fumes, and even 
invisible poisons have polluted the atmosphere. 

Lakes and rivers die from the ecological effects of 
phosphates in household wastes and nitrates washed 
from the soil. Methyl mercury, an industrial pollut- 
ant in rivers and lakes, is poisoning many forms of 
life by entering the food chains. We cover the Earth 
with concrete and steel. For many millions of people, 
living has become mere existence. Many "lesser" 
species have become extinct, and mankind may be 
racing toward the same fate. 

The ultimate issue, especially when considering the 
awesome potential of nuclear weapons, is survival. 

6 - 

First, however, we must learn about our relationships 
with nature, our dependence upon environment, the 
inevitable effects of our decisions and actions on 
vital life-support systems, and the potentials and 
flaws of the human species. We must acknowledge and 
accept the need for new* attitudes toward the world, 
a human phil >sophy of life, and life styles which 
improve the quality of life. 


Man, despite the advantages and potential of his 
science and technology, has all too frequently used 
them, through ignorance as well as stupidity, to 
reduce the quality of the life-supporting environment. 
Today, there are many well known examples of tech- 
nological abuses, ranging from the effects of strip 
mining in Pennsylvania and West Virginia to the 
surprising tenacity and spread of DDT. DDT, princi- 
pally used on agricultural land in the United States, 
is now found in the tissues of Antarctic penguins and 
Arctic snowy owls. The watertable in many areas 
continues to fall, not merely from pumping but 
because cities and highways divert rain runoff to 
the sea. Air pollution over the great urban and 
industrial areas of the world jeopardizes life and 
threatens long-term climatic change. 

Catastrophes greater than these have been projected, 
and the possibilities are real. The sobering truth 
is; the reactions and interactions of everything 
mankind does are great and can never be known fully. 


More than two hundred million high-living Americans, 
almost six percent of Earth's population, consume 
nearly half of the world's harvest of resources. As 
a people, Americans consume what is assumed to be a 
natural birthright in land, water, air, and minerals 
. . . without much thought for the rights of others 
and with little thought for tomorrow. 

Most people seem to believe that new resources will be 
found and corrective and recycling technologies 
developed to solve our problems and fill our needs. 

With 70,000,000 autos and trucks in the United States, 
the environmental burden goes far beyond exploitation 
of the land for the materials used in their manufacture. 
Autos also affect the quality of life through stress, 
usurpation of space, and pollution. 

The vital importance of wise decision making--ref lect- 
ing an understanding of the effects of technology and 
consumerism and the realities of the ecosystem and 
environment- -must be recognized and understood by each 
one of us. It is the consequences of actions, based 
on individual decisions on everyday matters, which 
collectively become national problems ... or answers. 

For example, when we purchase a detergent we should 
stop to consider its phosphate content. Detergents 
with high phosphate content overfertilize waters and 
contribute to the early death of ponds and lakes. 

When we plan to drive our car, we might stop and 
consider more ecologically desirable alternatives. 

We know that automobiles pollute the air and use 
oxygen. On the other hand, walking or bike riding 
may be more healthful, and mass transportation may 
be the best way to go to work in the inner city. 

The problem is our present way of life. While 
technology has made life easier for us in many ways, 
it has also vastly altered the environment. Not only 
is quality of life reduced, but the very web of life 
is jeopardized. A new life style is called for, 
based on the requirements of living within our 
environment. We must develop enlightened ways of 
living in harmony with nature and our world. Finding 
the way is not merely the Government^ responsibility. 

It is not only our neighbor^ attitude and manner of 
living which needs alteration, it is our own. 

One way to begin this new way of thinking and of 
living is through environmental education. 

8 - 


Today, man has the scientific and technological "know- 
how" to solve most if not all environmental problems. 
But decisions regarding man's use of his environment 
are seldom based on purely scientific knowledge. 
Virtually all human decisions arc based on custom, 
oversight, economic feasibility, political expediency, 
social desirability, or religious belief. It lias now 
become impossible to make wise decisions about the 
environment without an understanding of economics, 
history, political science, sociology, psychology, and 
the humanities, as well as the hard sciences. This 
calls for a new educational approach, environmental 
education, and this in turn needs to be defined. 

The Environmental Education Act of 1970, landmark 
legislation which reflects a national commitment to 
the search for enlightened life styles, has provided 
its own definition of environmental education. The 
language of the Senate report explaining the Act 
follows : 

Environmental education is an integrated process 
which deals with man's interrelationship with 
his natural and man-rade surroundings, including 
the relation of population growth, pollution, 
resource allocation and depletion, conservation, 
technology, and urban and rural planning to the 
total human environment. Environmental education 
is a study of the factors influencing ecosystems, 
mental and physical growth, living and working 
conditions, decaying cities, and population 
pressures. Environmental education is intended 
to promote among citizens the awareness and 
understanding of the environment, our relation- 
ship to it, and the concern and responsible 
action necessary to assure our survival and to 
improve the quality of life. 

As stated in the Act, and in Chapter 12 of the report 
of the President's Council on Environmental Quality, 
environmental education (EE) is a process which will 
affect the entire continuum of American education. 

It is a design for reform because it will, through 
every aspect of formal and nonformal education, improve 
philosophies of life and help each citizen to acquire 
a new and more viable life style. 

This objective was first defined by people in local 
communities, and has been given the highest national 
priority by the President and by the Congress. 

Survival as a culture and even as a species may 
depend on environmental education. 


Environmental education is a life-long process. It is 
a way of looking at life, fostering awareness of other 
life and of inter-relationships, learning to recognize 
the effects (good and bad) we have on physical sur- 
roundings, and the responsibilities we must accept for 
the mere fact of our presence and of our activities in 
our environment. It should enable us to make sound 
ecological decisions and foresee their consequences; 
to make value judgments, and act accordingly. It is 
acceptance of life values and ways of living which 
minimize destruction and maximize those relationships 
that enhance life. It is learning how to contribute 
to the quality of life, and the constructive use, 
rather than exploitation, of the environment. 

It is important to understand that EE is much more 
than a schoolhouse approach to ending the degradation 
of man-made surroundings and the pollution and 
destruction of the natural world. Environmental 
education will not simply provide an understanding of 
pollution problems and provide the Nation with skills 
to meet or solve those problems. It is not merely a 
course in school or a curriculum combining elements 
of the natural and physical sciences into a new 
department or specialty. Nor is it just another name 
for outdoor education, resource management, or 
conservation education. 

Environmental education provides alternate ways of 
thinking--a synthesis--which colors and affects the 
humanities, languages, social sciences, history, 
economics, and religion as dramatically as it does 
the natural sciences. It will give an ecological 
perspective for every aspect of learning. 


If environmental education is to be successful, the 
philosophies developed and the life styles encouraged 
must be predicated on values that are personally 
appealing and acceptable because they are themselves 
satisfactory, attractive, pleasant and desirable, and 
are harmonious with ecological principles. 

Actions consistent with ecological principles include: 

# Recognizing and accepting personal responsibility 
in decision making and stewardship toward the 
environment, and becoming increasingly aware and 
concerned about those aspects of ecology which 
directly come within the province of each indi- 
vidual. (This is in contrast to ”1 have my own 
problems” or "Let George do it” or ”I*m just one 
person, what can I do?”) 

• Living in the environment with minimum disturbances 
to the rights and habitats of other living things, 
consistent with the health, safety and certain 
basic comforts and pleasures of man as the 
dominant species. (This is in contrast to the 
thoughtless or willful destruction of living 
things, without regard for consequences, Although 
hunting and fishing may be appropriate as long as 
they don*t jeopardize the species.) 



• Using only such resources as are required to 
maintain life in a balance of health and produc- 
tivity permitting reproduction of the species at 
an optimum level, affording ample opportunity for 
growth of the mind and spirit, and encouraging 
artistic and creative expression. (This is in 
contrast to capricious use of resources and 
"conspicuous waste" in consumption beyond the 
manifest needs of the individual or group.) 

• Making use of materials and energy in the most 
economic manner, balancing a supposedly desirable 
end against other possible ends. (This contrasts 
with seeking immediate pleasures rather than doing 
without in consideration of other benefits or 
long-term advantages. An example is insisting on 
quick and speedy "muscle cars.") 

These values would also include: health and safety in 

a pollution-free environment; privacy and quiet, with 
reasonable absence of persistent stress; quick, safe 
and pol lution-free travel at moderate cost; good 
design in public works, reflecting freedom and open- 
ness and other human needs as well as utility and 
economy; employment in circumstances of dignity and 
with incentives; and reasonably comfortable standards 
of living, reflecting rewards for merit. Without 
question, many would also insist that living ecolo- 
gically would, also insure such values as reverence for 
life, peace, freedom from coercion and poverty, freedom 
in the expression of opinion and the right to learn, 
receiving and giving quality, value and service in 
business, dealing fairly and honestly in personal 
relationships, ans having governments which are 
responsive and responsible to the electorate. 

In summary, living consistently with ecological 
principles should protect and add to many important 
and acceptable human qualities or values. 

12 - 


All Americans should be given the opportunity through 
programs of environmental education to develop ecolo- 
gical values that will complement the political, social, 
economic, and religious values that have been the basis 
for human decision-making processes. Changes in atti- 
tudes and behaviour concerning our world and our way 
of life must come as expressions of / individual choice, 
and hopefully our educational programs will provide 
sufficient information to create awareness of a wide 
range of environmental ly-desirable options. Of 
necessity, these options must be tentative and plural- 
istic even after the Nation arrives at a consensus as 
to the more desirable environmental/ecological values 
and principles. 

Even as the American people develop national goals, 
objectives and strategies in environmental education 
(accepting the need for evolving an enlightened 
philosophy of life and new life styles), our political 
heritage calls for two major assumptions. They are: 

• Educational activity must work within the frame- 
work of local democratic government, which has 

as its tenet the freedom of individual choice and 
respect for the individual person. 

• Efforts in environmental education will not be 
dogmatic with respect to existing social or 
religious values--or coerce behaviour- -but will 
offer alternatives. These must be in a context 
of balance and perspective which will assist 
individuals and groups in better decision making. 
Diversity may be preserved within a growing 
sense of community. 

13 - 


For a number of years, progressive teachers and 
innovators — and many responsible schools and educ- 
ational systems -- have addressed themselves to human 
problems in an ecological context. They have advocated 
many changes and instituted many of them on a pilot 
basis . 

First, these innovators have declared it not unreason- 
able for the educational community to be held accountable 
for their product. They also emphasized hwareness, 
concern and involvement with everyday, "down-to-earth" 
problems. To be relevant to real-life situations 
generally meant that course content and approaches 
should be issue oriented. These approaches were 
responsive to the needs of the times. 

Educators foresaw these needs and called for educational 
reform years ago. They did not call forth student 
militancy but only hoped to meet the issue of student 
frustration before it became urgent. Today, environ- 
mental and ecological approaches to domestic and 
world problems and to education have offered the 
"hope” which psychologists say must exist if energies 
are to be directed usefully. 

The educational process needs improvement to meet 
the needs of youth today. The reason for this is that 
thv modem youngster -- physically maturing earlier, 
surrounded from birth by a proliferation of fact and 
opinion from the mass media, and increasingly aware 
of conflicts between an old culture and new values — 
is largely excluded from decision making and meaning- 
ful participation in our society. 


If educators and schools do not meet today's issues, 
then the Nation must look on in dismay as highly 
active youth take to the streets in their frustration. 
"Confrontation" is a phenomenon which stems directly 
from the belief of young people that decisions 
affecting their lives and their future are being made 
by an establishment out of touch with the realities 
of the human ecosystem. 

14 - 

Young people prefer to respond positively to the all- 
encompassing environmental challenge. On Earth Day -- 
April 22, 1970 — many young Americans demonstrated 
their concern with their environment and with society 
by a concerted, constructive approach. Through- 
speakers, special studies, films, and seminars they 
committed themselves as individuals and as a generation 
to solve environmental problems and to live ecologi- 
cally sound lives. 




There are numbers of obstacles to beneficial change in 
our culture which are largely political, social, and 
economic. Some of these are readily recognized and 
identified. They include long-accepted and self- 
centered life styles, the weight of crushing poverty, 
illness and disability which sap strength and limit 
opportunity, stifling living conditions and stress 
of the ghettos, ideological wars, and self-perpetuating 
power structures. 

All these obstacles have been identified as ecological 
dislocations and learning to identify them is the first 
step in dealing with them. 

Some obstacles escape easy identification. An example 
of this is organized crime, which exploits human 
weaknesses for profit and personal aggrandizement. 
Criminal syndicates are power structures which affect 
life goals (and jeopardize the lives) of large numbers 
of people. This is an ecological situation as critical 
as is the existence of a man-eating tiger to the life 
of a villager in India. 

The inability of American society to deal effectively 
with organized crime in this century may be because 
the criminal syndicate represents the ultimate 
manifestation of competitive enterprise, unfettered 
and unmoderated by any social consciousness or 
responsibility. This could be a vestige of the era 
of "mountain men" and "robber barons." This philos- 
ophy is one of personal aggrandizement long featured 
in American folk lore and the media. 

That a socio-ecological problem of this magnitude can 
be dealt with successfully is indicated by the 
increasing acceptance of social responsibility by 
American big business, and by public insistence on 


Recognizing a problem is one thing. Identifying the 
elements of the problem, and finding solutions, is a 
complex and difficult thing. There is always the 
danger that having identified a problem we will 
suppose that because we talk about it learnedly we 
are solving it. 

One example is over-population. The population of the 
Nation and of the world increases rapidly because of 
one complex factor. All living things produce seed 
and offspring far beyond the possibility of the 
environment to support, if all live. Man has applied 
his talents and energies for millennia to the task 
of survival. As a result, more of his young live and 
fewer of the mature and aged die. Only now has man 
approached the limits of his world-wide environment. 

Meanwhile, as the population crisis looms, man has 
gained insights as to a first alternative. There is 
hope, however, for there is evidence that the 
birthrate drops when society as a whole reaches a 
standard of living and a cultural level where there 
is a consensus as to optimum family size. 

While some individuals practice family limitation, there 
are others who for religious, cultural or economic 
reasons have very large families. The "gulf" in 
value judgments between the various groups now seems 
to preclude the consensus which leads a culture as a 
whole to reduce family size. 


17 - 

Since ecological problems are complex, the solutions 
will be complex and will not be accomplished overnight. 
Finding a way of life that leads to harmonious relations 
with the environment (and with other men) will, for 
most individuals, require major reorientation. This 
calls for acceptance of new values, a growing awareness 
of inter-relationships and of ecology, and a recognition 
of personal responsibility toward all life in individual 
decision making. 

There is an inevitable inertia which dictates to a 
large degree the speed with which change can be effected. 
As we are dealing with attitudes and behavior, we are 
dependent upon education to help individuals modify 
these traits. This requires time. 


The idea that new legislation, new laws, and tougher 
enforcement will solve most problems has weakened many 
movements in the past. After the verbal explosion 
that initiates and enacts such legislation comes an 
inevitable reaction, for there is the feeling that the 
battle is won, someone is doing something about the 
problem, and we can relax. The political-legislative 
route to reform may be flashy and exciting but it can 
be only a beginning, unless it is already a response 
to broad-based, long-felt needs of society. 

Laying a philosophical foundation for the redirection 
of society is, however, an important function of 
political action. In accomplishing this, the respon- 
sibility turns to a number of change agents of which 
government is but one. 

Environmental education calls for an effort at basic 
cultural change which will be intensive for the first 
two decades and in the process become an integral part 
of all human learning. The responsibilities of EE 
will be shared by national. State and local govern- 
mental units, but many change agents will be involved 
besides the instruments and personalities of government. 


18 - 

These will include the schools, business, industry 
and labor, museums, parks and media, peer groups, 
and the family. 

These groups will function in response to individual 
leadership. The quality of that leadership will be 
determined in large measure by the individual’s 
environmental literacy. It is the major challenge of 
EE to assure each individual of obtaining a high 
quality of environmental literacy. 

There is no question that an environmental approach 
to education is underway throughout the Nation. The 
ethical and social foundations of EE have deep roots 
in the American identification of our national 
character with the wilderness and the frontier. 

There is a dualism in America’s attitude toward the 
wilderness. The challenge of the American wilderness 
stimulated a strong survival instinct in the people 
who faced it. For many this became an ”it’s nature 
or us” philosophy. And this became in some an , 
attitude of "take yours while the getting is good". 
This approach was important to the successful 
settlement of the West and survival of the pioneers. 
It created few problems as long as numbers were small 
and the wilderness relatively extensive. 

Poets, writers, art:sts, and naturalists have had an 
attachment for the wilderness from earliest days in 
America. It is notable that few of these have 
attempted to live exclusively in the wilderness. 
However, from their artistic expression have come 
much of the response of the conservation movement and 
"land ethic" which has colored American thinking for 
more than a century. It is this group's emotional 
or intuitive response to wilderness that today gives 
man -- with his burgeoning numbers and dwindling 
resources -- the desire and insight to find adaptive 

- 19 - 


Almost everyone today gives at least lip service to 
concern for environmental issues. Many of the issues 
have had extensive reviews in the news media. The 
public has become informed and concerned about pollution, 
the accumulation of solid wastes, the implications of 
the "population explosion," and the economics and 
morality of wide use of chemical poisons, herbicides 
and defoliants. 

The more informed the individual, the more he realizes 
that environmental problems are really ecological 
problems. He knows that there is a web of life, an 
ecological imperative, which man affects with his 
activities. He may even speak learnedly at cocktail 
parties of the need to restore the "ecological balance." 

Few people realize, however, that the issue is far 
broader than these statements admit. Further, the 
inter-relationships of life are in constant change... 
and there is infinite interchange in the effects which 
one form of life has on all other forms... and "ecolog- 
ical balance" is not the best expression to use in 
describing these dynamic processes of life. For the 
truth is that man lives in and is part of nature, 
subject to all the rules and penalties of living in 
nature. He is the maker and recipient of innumerable 
changes in the environment and he must learn to live 
ecologically if he is to thrive and even to survive. 

This is the great issue of the day. 

Each of us must realize that individually and collec- 
tively we have responsibilities toward the Earth on 
which we live and the niche which we occupy. The 
living Earth has shaped us and we cannot really "live" 
apart from an intimate and daily relationship with our 
natural environment. 

While some may suppose that we can be healthy in mind 
and body in a totally artificial and controlled 
environment, like hens in the wire cages of an ’’egg 
factory," such a life is unnatural, nonecological and 
inhuman. It is not enough to survive, we must preserve 
our essential human and natural heritage and develop 
the integrity, dignity, and potential of human beings. 

This recognition — this philosophy — has increasingly 
been emphasized by scientists and educators in the 
past decade. One of these is Rene Dubos, head of the 
Department of Environmental Bio Medicine at Rockefeller 

In the July 24, 1970, issue of LIFE, Dubos wrote: 

The problem of the environment involves the 
salvation and enhancement of those positive 
values which man uses to develop his humanness. 

It involves, ultimately, a social organization 
in which each person has much freedom in 
selecting the stage on which to act his life: 
a peaceful village green, the banks of a river, 
the exciting plaza in a great city. Survival 
is not enough. Seeing the Milky Way, experi- 
encing the fragrance of spring and observing 
other forms of life continue to play an immense 
role in the development of humanness. Man can 
use many different aspects of reality to make 
his life, not by imposing himself as a con- 
queror on nature, but by participating in the 
continuous act of creation in which all living 
things arc engaged, otherwise, man may be 
doomed to survive as something less than human. 

The environmental approach to education is growing from 
the roots of Aldo Leopold's "Sand County Almanac" of 
25 years ago to the vast number of movements and 
experiments in EE at the local level in the commu- 
nities end schools of the country. These innovative 
and pioneering efforts in EE have had a significant 
effect on Boards of Education, upon Representatives and 
Senators in the Congress of the United States, and upon 
the offices, commissions and departments of the 
Executive Branch of Government. These have responded 
with definitive statements and actions, with the 
President taking the lead. 

The full implications of environmental education, and 
the conclusive commitment of leadership at nearly all 
levels in America, may be shown in these words: 

Margaret Mead, anthropologist, in testimony before the 
House Select Subcommittee on Education considering the 
Environmental Education Act of 1970, said: 

"I think the best structure is the continuous 
participation of children and high school 
students and college students, but particularly 
school children in every community, because you 
have a new crop of them every year, and what 
we need to look at now is ways of providing 
regenerative cycles for dealing with problems 
that are going to be continuous... 

"One of our principal problems is to change the 
whole climate of feeling so that man ceases to 
see himself as against nature, as at war with 
nature, or in dominion over nature... and instead 
sees himself in nature. " 

Gaylord Nelson, Senator from Wisconsin and one of the 
several sponsors of the Environmental Education Act 
of 1970, said in testimony before the Senate Subcom- 
mittee on Education: 

"Our goal must be an environment of decency, 
quality, and mutual respect for all living 
creatures. . . 

"It will not, however, be possible to understand 
much less develop these broad national environ- 
mental policies until the relationship between 
man, nature, and the artificial world are 
totally reexamined. 

"Our attitudes, values, and modes of behavior 
need to be modified but that cannot be accom- 
plished until we face the new realities of a 
society in danger from its own environmental 

- 22 - 


"The educational process is the only way to 
develop that understanding and commitment..." 

William A. Steiger, Congressman from Wisconsin, on the 
r floor of the House in debate on the Environmental 

!-,■ Education Act of 1970 said: 


"...It has become evident that the people of 
America do not possess a full understanding of 
their responsibilities for the maintenance of 
our environment. Because of this fact it is 
important to make certain that the Nation's 
people be made full aware of their interdepend- 
ence with the total environment and that they 
gain the knowledge and concern to begin finding 
solutions to current ecological imbalances and 
to prevent future ones... 

"Environmental education will enhance the 
quality of our peoples’ lives by helping improve 
the environment and brighten their appreciation 
of the life support systems which make life 
possible . " 

President Nixon, in his introductory remarks to the 
First Annual Report of the Council on Environmental 
Quality , emphasized: 

"The newly aroused concern with our natural 
environment embraces old and young alike, in 
all walks of life. For the young, it lias a 
special urgency. They know that it involves 
not only our own lives now but the future of 
mankind. For their parents, it has a special 
poignancy -- because ours is the first generation 
to feel the pangs of concern for the environ- 
mental legacy we leave to our children. 




M At the heart of this concern for the environment 
lies our concern for the human condition: for the 

welfare of man himself, now and in the future. As 
we look ahead to the end of this new decade of 
heightened environmental awareness, therefore, we 
should set ourselves a higher goal than merely 
remedying the damage wrought in decades past. We 
should strive for an environment that not only 
sustains life but enriches life, harmonizing the 
works of man and nature for the greater good of 

The President of the United States, representing all 
the people and having the responsibility for meeting 
the needs of the Nation above any special interests, 
has clearly and definitively committed the Adminis- 
tration to EE. He has put the official seal on a 
broadly based and compelling philosophy: If we are 

to preserve our heritage, our environment, our Earth, 
we must change. We must become aware of our environ- 
ment, show concern for our effect on the ecosystem, 
and be committed to making decisions which reflect 
positively our awareness and concern. 

There is no question that man must learn to live 
ecologically responsible lives. There is no alter- 
native. We have no easy out through politics. We 
cannot protect our environment through legal means 
alone. It is not even a question of first trying 
educational means to persuade people to live re- 
sponsible lives. EE must succeed, for education has 
always been and must always be the instrument of 
constructive, evolutionary change in a free society. 

A critical aspect of the American system is that power 
is widely dispersed. Where power and authority to act 
may be found in large numbers of individuals, respon- 
sibility is also broadly based. Each person who is 
able to take action which affects our environment -- 
and that includes everyone, at some level — must 
recognize his responsibility to act wisely. Education 
in the home, in the school, on the job, and in society 
as a whole is the means to accomplish change. 



Education must teach each person that he bears the 
responsibility and the burden to live according to 
ecological principles. 

The nature of our society pre-exists in and is deter- 
mined by the means we choose and use to attain goals. 
The freedoms, guarantees, and responsibilities which 
frame environmental education are not only the 
processes of democracy, they reflect the dignity and 
value of individual life which is their objective. 

- 25 - 

Part II 

Approaches To Environmental Education 





Environmental education is that education which devel- 
ops in man recognition of his interdependence with 
environment and all life, and a recognition of his 
responsibility in maintaining the environment in a 
manner fit for life and for living. 

Why are so many people now concerned with the quality 
of the environment? Because education for many decades 
has failed to give priority to the study of the 
environment in its formal and nonformal* programs. 
During the past several years in which there has been 
noticeable environmental deterioration, curricula in 
every educational category and at every level have 
been reorganized, revised, and developed anew. These 
curricula have given little or no recognition of the 
urgency of environmental problems. 

A "conservation ethic"--not to mention an "environ- 
mental ethic"--has not yet been accepted by the 
average citizen, the industrialist, or even the 
educator as a concept of primary importance. Conse- 
quently, it has not yet become an essential factor 
in shaping national policies or education programs. 


In pre-industrial times the major role of education 
was to pass on the culture that had made the society 
cohesive and successful. Change was frowned upon, 
tradition held sway. In such societies, formal 
education was primarily for the young and for 
privileged classes that had time to explore new 

* "Nonformal" is deemed more explicit than the 
commonly used adjective "informal." 



29 - 



In post industrial times, change gained the upperhand 
from tradition. New information necessary for success 
in society proceeded to accumulate rapidly. Education 
became necessary for more and more people. At first 
this increased education was based on new factual 
material, but as knowledge accumulated it has become 
increasingly necessary for the young to acquire the 
process of learning rather than transmission of 
tradition. Adults now must continually unlearn old 
facts, concepts, and skills and replace them with new 

In today’s world, education has become a life-long 
process. It proceeds both formally and informally 
through schools, private organizations, communications 
media, and continuing experiences. No serious or 
effective modification or improvement of attitudes and 
behavior of man towards his environment can occur with- 
out broad educational efforts at all levels of our 
society. People need to learn ways to perceive 
environmental problems and opportunities, to acquire 
the information for forming and evaluating alternative 
actions, to develop the cultural skills for living 
according to chosen alternatives. All of this demands 
a high and continuing educational input. It is the 
only effective way to deal with the constant and rapid 
change in our current cultural environment. 

Educational systems must provide the learner with the 
skills of continuous learning, and continuing flow 
of information about man and his environment. 


Environmental education should begin with an under- 
standing of the basic philosophy of education. 

Education is more than picking up a few useful tools 
during one’s school years. The social and vocational 
skills provided by education are essential. Yet almost 
everyone would agree that education is much more. 
Education is progression, a growth of mind and spirit. 
Education is a process, the making of personal experi- 
ence out of information. It is not something imposed 
from without. All real education is self-education. 


The truly educated man perpetuates the childlike wonder 
with which he first encountered life. He is excited 
by exploration and discovery. He is fascinated with 
the difficult and mysterious, and is delighted with 
challenge. He matches his capacities with standards of 
excellence. He commits himself to quality. 

Education is founded upon, deals with, and strengthens 
many moral characteristics of man. These include 
personal dedication to something of worth, patience in 
overcoming adversity and ignorance, courage in facing 
the unknown and that which seems insurmountable, 
tolerance of others (including their ideas and life 
styles), and the humility to admit that after all is 
said and done one might be wrong. 

Teachers are important, but not essential, in all 
aspects of education. Indeed it is often remarked 
that the long-term influence of an inspiring teacher 
is impossible to measure. On the other hand, teachers 
have an alarming and far reaching capacity to s,tifle 
everything which we believe constitutes education. 

For these reasons, teachers must themselves be well 
educated, show concern and even love for their stu- 
dents, and relate course material to everyday life 
problems. One of the objectives of environmental 
education is to increase the number of inspired and 
inspiring teachers. 

It is to this broad philosophy of education that EE 
directs itself, for environmental and ecological 
studies concern both a way of learning and a way of 




Programs of environmental education will involve the 
entire American educational system, both formal and 
oqnformal. A formal educational system in this 
corftext^is one which is targeted on specific student- 
teacher relationships, through specific curricula. A 
nonformal system is less definitive and structured and 
is directed toward the public at large, or particular 
segments of the general public. 




The formal education system, fi'om preschool through 
cor^nuing education, will directly affect about 50 
per ,ent of the American population in this decade. 
Initially, the principal effort in environmental 
education should be that of developing supplementary 
materials that are designed for the traditional 
curricula such as English, biology, mathematics* and 
history. In addition, the development of new curricula 
applicable to nearly all teaching and learning situ- 
ations should be initiated. The approach is to 
infuse environmental and ecological concepts into all 
studies which lend themselves to changing man's life 
style to one of harmony with his world. 

Another approach for school systems might be that of 
developing a special environmental curriculum through 
which the traditional subjects would be learned. A 
third approach, but less desirable at the primary and 
secondary level, would be the creation of a new course 
called environmental studies. 

The challenge for formal education is the establishment 
of curricula with relevant ecological content, pre- 
sented in a way to meet the present high motivation of 
students. This means that we must take advantage of 
all opportunities to relate learning experiences to 
actual environmental improvement and problem solving 
in the community (frequently referred to as "issue 
orientation") . 

The school must divorce itself from the traditional 
classroom concept and expand its frame of reference to 
make full use of all community resources in the 
curriculum. Environmental study areas, museums, 
libraries, local businesses and industries, and local 
government agencies all have a role to play in formal 

The school administrators and teachers should 
orchestrate these resources into a workable curriculum, 
rather than concentrating on classroom materials. To 
accomplish this, it is imperative that a close working 
relationship (and frequent dialogue) be established 
among students, educators, businessmen, union leaders, 
and representatives of government at the local. State, 
and regional levels. 

32 - 

This will assist in formulating educational programs 
and activities that are relevant to real life issues... 
and give students the values* attitudes, and methods 
they will need to solve present and future problems 
deriving from pollution, increasing population, growing 
technology, resource depletion, and other environmental 
issues . 

Nonformal education will reach important segments of 
the general public (and in some cases the entire 
population of a locality) with environmental education 
programs. This will be a major responsibility of local 
and national media, volunteer agencies, business and 
industry, and other private organizations. 

It is essential that both local and network television, 
radio, film studios, newspapers, magazines, and book 
publishers contribute increasingly to informing the 
public about critical environmental problems and their 
possible solutions. In addition, the vast advertising 
and promotional resources of business and industry may 
be directed toward environmental and ecological issues. 

Many private and volunteer organizations look to school 
facilities and personnel--as well as to the children, 
their parents, youth, and others directly related to 
the educational activities of the schools--for full 
utilization of the programs and activities these 
organizations offer. Such programs presently include 
square dances, spring and winter festivals, musical 
and dramatic productions, nature hikes and bird walks, 
and similar activities. In addition, museums and 
libraries frequently arrange for special exhibits, 
films, or discussions of interest to general or special 
groups . 

Increasingly, as part of a comprehensive effort in 
environmental education, these voluntary and private 
agencies may wish to orient their programs toward EE 
objectives and to plan them in cooperation with local 
schools and colleges capable of providing assistance 
and publicity. 




It would be desirable for a national non-profit organi- 
zation to accept as its primary task the creative role 
of encouraging, advising, and assisting private organi- 
zations and business to orient their considerable 
resources in nonformal education, information, promo- 
tion and advertising toward Eli objectives. 

The emerging role of the local school system as 
participants in nonformal education should be empha- 
sized. Everyone can recall situations in their 
hometowns and communities where administrative staff 
and teachers of local schools have contributed their 
talents and services, as well as the school facilities, 
to worthwhile community projects such as curtailing 
drug abuse. A vastly broadened activity of this 
nature is called for if all the varied educational 
resources of any community are to be coordinated in 
a nonformal EE effort. 

Nonformal environmental education, sparked by local 
schools, may include sponsorship of seminars, brief- 
ings for businessmen and community leaders, public 
forums and exhibits, informational programs and 
contributions to media, operation of centers for 
volunteer activities, and development of clearinghouses 
for environmental information. 

Correlation is the key to full utilization of 
community resources, and the local school system may 
be the best or only public agency available to carry 
out the responsibility. 

Training Ptiognamt 

The need for trained personnel in all branches of El: 
is critical. This includes the training of educational 
personnel, environmental management technicians, and 
orienting other professions in EE concepts. 

Environmental education has emerged as the synthesis of 
widely diverse disciplines, for this reason, the 
development of oducutional personnel must recognize 
the opportunity nnd the unique circumstances surround- 
ing the potentials for environmental education. 



34 - 

The present generation of educators faces a challenge 
in environmental education which is typical of this 
age. Frequently, students are as concerned, committed, 
and knowledgeable as their teachers. Through TV and 
other media, they may learn even faster than their 
teachers. This calls for a new learning-teaching style, 
a more informal instructional setting which is conducive 
to problem-solving approaches to learning, and, finally, 
extensive cooperation among all staff members of the 
school . 

Teachers must be aware of environmental and ecological 
concepts and issues, and should be given the opportunity 
to develop necessary skills through in-service training 
programs. They should also be involved directly in the 
development of environmental curricula. Teacher train- 
ing programs must also be redesigned to prepare new 
teachers tor the challenge and responsibility of Eli. 

To be effective in this new role the teacher must 
render support to and be supported from three areas: 

• Administrators and supervisors must be attuned to 
the new strategies required in EE. Well prepared 
teachers cannot work effectively if the system 
does not support them. This calls for a flexi- 
bility of response from the system and from 
individual administrators. 

• The librarian must be prepared to keep the teacher 
informed of current, as well as new and develop- 
ing resources in EE. This is a necessary link 
between the individual school building and the 
local, State, and nutional network of dissemination. 

• The can provide valuable support 
both as a direct link to the community and as an 
informed assistant in a variety of roles within 
Eli. Whether these individuals function us assist- 
ants in the library, in administration, in resource 
centers or in the classroom, they must attain basic 
awareness of the broad goals and objectives of El- 
and of the significance of their task in the total 



UanpomeA Tsuuiung 

The Administration has called for an expenditure of 10 
billion dollars for the 1970's in the Nation's battle 
against pollution. Most of these funds will go into 
construction and other forms of physical capital. If 
we are to utilize effectively these new facilities, we 
must make the decision now to invest in the training of 
people who will not only operate new plants but who 
are also capable of working effectively across the 
entire field of environmental management. 

What is needed are carefully prepared short and long- 
range plans that examine the manpower need in qualita- 
tive terms, as well as evaluating present and required 
sources of supply. There is no single agency with 
clear authority for developing environmental manpower 
at the Federal level. Perhaps there shouldn't be. 

But there is certainly a need for coordination of the 
efforts in this critical field. Not to coordinate is 
to risk a serious duplication of efforts and resources 
and we have too few resources to waste. 

Another aspect of the environmental manpower problem 
concerns the experience, training, and educational 
requirements for employment in this rapidly emerging 
career field. Institutions are doing an excellent job 
of trai ling young men for productive employment in many 
technical fields, but the emphasis is on specific 
problem solving and analysis in very narrow areas. 

This is precisely what must be avoided in preparing 
people for careers that require a broad environmental 
perspective. Introducing change in a successful but 
specialized system is a difficult but necessary task. 

Educators must be prepared to search out and consider 
a number of alternative paths for developing this 
critical manpower. Therefore, research, evaluation, 
and focusing a national spotlight on new, inventive, 
and successful programs in the field of environmental 
manpower development will be emphasized by concerned 
administrators. A leading role is being played by 
community colleges in developing training programs of 
this type. 

Envvionrmnt and tka Vao^^lon^ 

An EE dimension is also a necessity for professional 
education. As the Nation has begun to adopt environ- 
mental quality legislation, the legal profession is 
now faced with an immediate need for specialized 
programs in environmental law in order to cope with 
the resulting litigation. Certainly, those in the 
medical professions, the engineers, the economists, and 
the city planners will all need an understanding of the 
ecological principles that interface with their partic- 
ular disciplines. 

Since most professions have organized themselves into 
associations which hold conferences and exchange ideas 
in professional journals, the practicing professional 
can probably best be reached through his professional 

Developing the curriculum base for the education of 
undergraduate and graduate degree candidates is, 
however, a much longer-range undertaking. Initial 
emphasis will be directed toward multidisciplinary 
change as well as the evolution of new undergraduate 
and graduate programs. 


Environmental education is basically encouraging and 
eliciting in children and others an awareness of 
environmental problems and ecological processes. It 
also fosters concern for the environment and for what 
is happening, and a growing sense of personal and 
group responsibility for the environment and for actions 
which affect the environment. 

This may be accomplished through a series of environ- 
mental encounters, as devised by William B. Stapp of 
tiie University of Michigan, to link relevant ecol- 
ogical, economic, social, technological, and political 
factors. These encounters are meaningful environ- 
mental experiences to enhance existing instructional 
programs, particularly where ecological significance 
needs to be added to traditional subjects. 


A program of environmental encounters, through both 
school and nonformal activities, leads to personal 
involvement with environmental problems or situations. 
This is the method of learning. 

Environmental encounters also encourage respect for 
the environment and a personal commitment to improving 
quality of life. This may involve behavioral modifi- 

A simple and conventional encounter would be a study 
and work trip to a stream or other natural area. 
Another, and perhaps more cogent experience in environ- 
mental awareness, would involve people with different 
social and economic backgrounds. 

Students who come from middle-class suburban homes 
could work as teaching assistants with younger children 
from socially and economically deprived inner city 
families. These children are frequently unfamiliar 
with ordinary things such as a "bookcase," or concepts 
such as a "circle." The students will begin to under- 
stand the problem as they develop and apply solutions. 

Before the experience, the students will need brief 
instructions in technique. After the encounter, the 
students may discuss and report on the socio-ecological 
implications of the life style encountered. 

As may be seen, an encounter is a personal experience 
with some aspect of the environment in a situation of 
challenge and where some kind of decision must be made. 

Young people are learning that the role of citizen 
calls for them to make decisions which affect their 
environment. They are most likely to make wise deci- 
sions in areas in which they have had prior experience 
in decision making, not merely knowledge. This 
includes voting, buying, resisting exploitative 
advertising, proper land use, and asking pertinent 
questions (as part of the process of holding businesses 
and politicians accountable). 


38 - 


Entirely new curricula in environmental education need 
to be developed for all grade levels. This would 
normally be a five-year process, but the need is 
immediate. Early attention must therefore be given to 
providing teachers with materials which can be inte- 
grated into current curricula. 

While this immediate need is being met in part, 
curriculum development must begin on a conceptual 
framework suitable for 20 years or more of environ- 
mental education. This work will build upon the 
experiences, innovations, and recommendations of many 
educators. Neither the Office of Education nor any 
single State agency will evolve* such a total program 
apart from contributions of many agencies, local 
schools, and individuals. 

Toward such a synthesis, and illustrative of the 
curricula and curriculum materials needed, some 
tentative priorities and objectives may be advanced. 

Tentative priorities include: 

• Provision of materials to be used with existing 
curricula for pre-school, elementary, secondary, 
community college, and adult education levels. 

• Development of materials to be used for nonformal 
adult education programs, including those of 
educational television. 

• Curriculum development for the secondary level, 
and then for other levels according to need. 

• Curriculum development for teacher training, 
including inservice training. 


Tentative objectives may be considered for each of 

five educational levels, as follows: 

• Preschool and elementary. At this age level, 
emphasis should be given to increasing the child 1 s 
perceptual level through appreciation of space 
and form, the more evident relationships between 
man and nature, and a general appreciation of 
nature . 

• Secondary. A more sophisticated understanding of 
ecological systems may be emphasized at this level, 
especially the relationship of man to his total 
environment. The student should also develop an 
increased awareness of the social, political, and 
economic causes of environmental problems. He 
will also develop at this age an understanding 

of the various options for remedying problems, 
and the implications of these options for man. 

a Undergraduate. Through multidisciplinary, problem- 
solving courses, college students should be able 
to relate the scientific, political, social, and 
economic aspects of environmental problems and to 
make value judgments leading to sound decisions. 
This will include a special emphasis on environ- 
mental/ecological concerns as they relate to 
traditional courses and disciplines such as 
history and literature. 

• Graduate. Professional training through specific 
environmental/ecological courses, training in 
environmental quality control, and orientation 

to environmental/ecological concerns for pro- 
fessional students in medicine, law, public 
administration , etc . 

• Adult education. Providing supplementary and 
refresher course in environmental and ecological 
subjects, relating everyday-life situations to 
behavioral problems and decision making which 
affect the environment. 

- 40 - 


Educators need to assess the resources available and 
to set goals in environmental education. Judging from 
current public interest, there will be a popular 
response to EE. Administrators may assume that they 
will receive support from the public in efforts to tie 
into national programs in environmental education. 

To take full advantage of the unique opportunity 
offered by this general interest and support, it is 
essential that administrators begin by identifying the 
few who understand this complex subject and .recruit 
them to assist others to comprehend the problems and 
the opportunities. Those who best understand the 
problems and opportunities are distributed throughout 
the country in elementary and secondary school systems, 
on college or university facilties, in foundations, 
in business and labor, and in numerous voluntary 
organizations. Therefore, educators should be encour- 
aged to emphasize: 

• Assessment of local education resources in and out 
of the school system. 

• Development of community/State/regional plans 
which will reflect the major needs of the regions. 

To assist planning at the local level, the Office of 
Education recommends that early consideration be given 

c Elementary and secondary education: supplementary 

materials, inservice teacher training curriculum 
development and demonstration projects. 

• Preschool, middle school, and adult education: 
supplementary materials and teacher training. 

• Public awareness (becoming more observant and 
sensitive to ecological problems, partly through 
reading, listening, and reviewing of media 
materials on the environment), especially for 14 
and above. 




• Environmental manpower development (vocational 
and technical) at institutions of higher education 
awarding two-year degrees. Basic environmental 
education courses for college freshmen and 
sophomores . 

• Introduction of environmental/ecological concepts 
to professionals (lawyers, engineers, city plan- 
ners, etc.) who will need to relate to these ideas 
in continuing educational programs. 

Additional areas of concern are in the development of 
educational personnel to reach professionals in need 
of environmental/ecological orientation; to develop an 
environmental/ecological consciousness in undergraduate 
and graduate students of the various professions; to 
assist in curriculum development and demonstration 
projects at the preschool, middle school, and adult 
level; to conduct programs of environmental awareness 
for preschool and elementary children; and to carry 
out retraining programs for environmental manpower 

- 42 - 


The techniques and curricula of environmental education 
cannot and should not come full blown from an agency of 
the Federal Government . The need for environmental 
education to prepare a citizenry willing and capable of 
protecting and preserving the environment has but 
recently been recognized in official actions and 
legislation at the national level. Indeed, environ- 
mental education has only come to the attention of a 
substantial part of the educational community in the 
past year. Much remains to be determined in both 
policy and techniques. 

At the same time, in many local communities and in 
colleges and universities, important progress has been 
made in initiating and developing concepts of EE. 

Many of the most highly innovative projects at the 
local level deserve being called to the attention of 
educators in other parts of the country. The identi- 
fication and spotlighting of many of these special 
projects, to serve as models for national consider- 
ation, sets the stage for a major role for Federal 
assistance in the years ahead. This approach also 
encourages greater participation at the local level in 
the vital creative and developmental aspects of environ- 
mental education. 

However, if individual communities are to achieve the 
recognition they deserve at the State and Federal 
level, it is essential to provide mechanisms that 
reflect their interests, needs, and resources. 
Recognizing this, the Office of Education has 
suggested that each State develop its own State 
commitment to environmental education. 

- 43 - 


Increasing the level of participation at the local 
level achieves two specific objectives. It emphasizes 
the need to develop environmental education that is 
relevant to the particular needs of the community, 
and- -at the same time--it carries out the mandate of 
the President and Congress to decentralize governmental 
structure (while giving coherence to the great variety 
of programs of the several Federal agencies now 
involved in environmental education) . The State 
commitment may, as a beginning: 

• Provide comprehensive State recognition and 
support for local models by clearly defining the 
support and coordination activities that can be 
provided them by State, national, and other 
organizations . 

• Develop carefully defined priorities within the 
State for local. State, and Federal funding. 

t Develop programs within the State to increase 

environmental awareness and disseminate information 
developed by other school systems. 

• Coordinate all governmental and private environ- 
ment activities, such as volunteer youth projects, 
with formal and nonformal environmental education 
activities of school and colleges. 


Each school system within a State may originate action- 
oriented environmental education curricula that will 
involve the entire range of community resources (the 
school system itself, local government, community 
organizations, and business and industry) and, where 
feasible, such area resources as State and National 
Parks, reclaimed open space in urban areas, and 
community colleges and universities. 



44 - 

A number of school systems within a State where there 
are promising programs may be designated within the 
State commitment as demonstration projects to serve as 
models . 

Each school system may want to coordinate its activities 
with local or area plans for environmental action and 
manpower training, in orde'i* to benefit from resources 
which may be identified in any State planning for 
curriculum development activities and teacher - training. 


Programs of environmental action may be developed at 
the local level by community organizations, local 
governments "and other appropriate organizations. 
Working together in a Community Environmental Educa- 
tional Center, many individuals may be motivated, 
trained, and involved. Ideally, these activities 
would be coordinated with educational programs. For 
instance, an environmental action program to measure 
the pollution levels of a local river system could be 
coordinated by a State agency, with data collection 
by high schdol students as part of their curriculum 
and by volunteers from community organizations, and 
with data analysis by the students and faculty of a 
rearby community college as part of a manpower train- 
ing program for environmental technicians. 


Environmental education programs should be funded from 
a variety of Federal, State, local, and private sources. 
State and local planning agencies should take into 
consideration all of the sources of funds and make use 
of those best suited for each project. 

An important principle of planning should be the use 
of matching funds. Any organization, private or public, 
which seeks funds should demonstrate the ability to 
provide resources of its own in talent, time, and money. 



- 45 

Requested funds should multiply the capabilities of an 
existing effort. Funds should not, ordinarily, be 
made available for the development of an idea which 
has not matured to the point that personnel, materials, 
and objectives are clearly foreseen. 


It is necessary to create programs and working relation- 
ships between established Government agencies for the 
purpose of more effectively utilizing existing skills 
and minimizing duplication of effort. Throughout the 
Federal Government there is a vast wealth of well 
trained and experienced individuals with skills directly 
relevant to environmental education. 

The development of a national program in environmental 
education will begin with the collection and analysis of 
State and local programs and plans, the coordination of 
effort and resources in Federal agencies, and research 
and innovative programming by a core staff in Washington. 
The process will involve extensive reliance on the 
Regional Commissioners of the Office of Education, to 
insure full use of the ideas and resources at all levels 
of educational efforts in the Nation. 



Looking To The Future 


Beginning with the recognition by many individuals that 
a new attitude toward the environment- -one of awareness 
and concern-- is necessary to preserve the environment, 
we now have a national commitment to face and resolve 
environmental problems through educational means. 

Individual concern and action is required in a demo- 
cratic society special interests (business, 

labor, universities) will act responsibly and be^o/te 
the Government will set guidelines or impose legal 
sanctions. Such a consensus, elicited through the 
educational process, is not only necessary, it provides 
the knowledge and the way to accomplish the objectives 
of environmental improvement. 

As individuals reorient their lives to ecologically 
consistent styles, and groups and communities work 
through all social and political processes to redirect 
formal and nonformal education toward environmental 
and ecological goals, we have a national movement or 
commitment towards change. 

The President of the United States has authority to 
pull together a wide range of Federal programs to give 
a truly coordinated and national thrust to EE. The 
Office of Education has been designated by the Environ- 
mental Education Act as the agency to plan and 
recommend such overall educational programs. 

- 49 - 


Man, having spent eons in the Stone Age learning to 
live with his environment and being responsive to it, 
has subsequently spent a few thousand years attempting 
to live apart from his natural environment- -to control 
it for his own purposes--and has suffered many ecol- 
ogical dislocations as a result. Now, entering the 
age of Technological Man, he has faced up to the 
decision of either further separating himself from 
nature and from his environment (thereby dehumanizing 
himself) or of recognizing his dual nature and learning 
to live within his environment (protecting and restor- 
ing his environment, rather than debasing it, through 
the great powers of technology). 

The same skills used by man in coordinating his know- 
ledge and abilities to put a man on the moon may now 
be used to restore the environment and to provide for 
a satisfying life for great numbers of people without 
futher jeopardizing the biosphere of Earth. 

The citizen of the future will be well aware of 
ecological processes, not merely as to nature as he 
has conceived it in the past but also with respect to 
man-made environments. 

Environmental education enables man to retain his 
place as the dominant species, but it will also help 
him to find his place as part of a larger entity, the 
living Earth. Man will be highly educated in the best 
sense, rounded and whole, for his very life and life 
styles will be immensely enriched by environmental 